Principal Investigators

Ehsan Toyserkani, PhD
Theme Leader, Theme 3
Node Leader, University of Waterloo
- Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
- Email:
- Phone: (519) 888-4567 x37560
- Lab: Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Laboratory

Mathieu Brochu, PhD
Associate Director
Theme Leader, Theme 4
Node Leader, McGill University
- Dept. of Materials Engineering
- Email:
- Phone: (514) 398-2354
- Lab: The Laboratory for Powder Processing and Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (P2[AM]2)

Paul Bishop, PhD
Theme Leader, Theme 1
Node Leader, Dalhousie University
- Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
- Email:
- Phone: (902) 494-1520
- Lab: Particulate Material Research

Carl Blais, PhD
Node Leader, Université Laval
- Département de génie des mines
- Département de la métallurgie et des matériaux
- Email:
- Phone: (418) 656-2131 x2049
- Lab: Laboratoire de métallurgie des poudres

Steven Cockcroft, PhD
Theme Leader, Theme 2
Node Leader, The University of British Columbia
- Dept. of Materials Engineering
- Email:
- Phone: (604) 822-3669
- Lab: The Centre for Metallurgical Process Engineering

Hani Henein, PhD
Node Leader, University of Alberta
- Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering
- Email:
- Phone: (780) 492-7304
- Lab: Advanced Materials & Processing Laboratory (AMPL)

Hani Naguib, PhD
Node Leader, University of Toronto
- Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
- Dept. of mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Email:
- Phone: (416) 978-7054
- Lab: Smart Adaptive Polymers & Composites Laboratory