Logo of NSERC HI-AM Network

The Announcement of HI-AM Network Covered by AMazing

In by fliravi

additivemanufacturing.com (AMazing) covered the announcement of NSERC HI-AM Network by the honorable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Sport in an article titled “Canadian Researchers Help Pave the Way for Industrial Adoption of Additive Manufacturing”. Follow the link to view the full story.

The NSERC Network for Holistic Innovation in Additive Manufacturing (HI-AM) brings together leading research groups across Canada and their government, industry, and international academic partners, to coordinate and accelerate national research efforts to overcome critical challenges in adoption of metal additive manufacturing technology. HI-AM’s multidisciplinary team has pioneered and patented intelligent control technologies, innovation AM processes, and new materials providing a foundation to solve some of the key obstacles facing commercial AM applications, positioning Canada to play an important role in the global AM supply chain. Our diverse industrial partners are indicator of the breadth of our research’s potential impact, encompassing Canada’s aerospace, automotive, defense, energy, natural resources, biomedical and tooling sectors.

Farzad Liravi
+1 519-888-4567 x36765