HI-AM 2023
June 27 - 28
Halifax, NS
Conference Program
All times are Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT).
8:00 AM | Registration | Location: Second Floor Lobby Breakfast | Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
8:45 AM | Conference Opening Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Paul Bishop |
9:00 AM | Session 1: Metal Additive Manufacturing I Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Paul Bishop | ||
9:00 AM | Keynote 1:
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Understanding Value
Olaf Diegel Professor of Additive Manufacturing University of Auckland, Creative Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab, New Zealand |
9:40 AM | Keynote 2:
Process-Aware Design for Additive Manufacturing
Carolyn Seepersad J. Mike Walker Professor of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States |
10:20 AM | Morning Tea Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
10:40 AM | Session 2: Metal Additive Manufacturing II Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Ehsan Toyserkani | ||
10:40 AM | Keynote 3:
Additive Manufacturing of Copper and Copper Alloys
Tim Horn Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering North Carolina State University, NC, United States |
11:20 AM | Keynote 4:
Towards High Speed Metal AM Via Molten Metal Droplet Jetting
Denis Cormier Earl W. Brinkman Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering | AMPrint Center Director Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, United States |
12:00 PM | Lunch Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
12:40 PM | Exhibition | Location: McInnes Room Poster Viewing | Location: Second Floor Lobby |
1:20 PM | Session 3: Material & Process Development I Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Carl Blais |
Session 4: Modeling & Design I Location: Council Chambers | Chair: Carolyn Seepersad |
1:20 PM | Featured Talk Presentation 1: Enhanced L-PBF through AFX Beam Shaping Martin Buscher*, Marco Beckers, Florian Eibl *Presenter: Martin Buscher, Head of Testing Facilities Aconity3D, Germany |
Featured Talk Presentation 6: Unlocking Industrial Metamaterials Through Design for Additive Manufacturing Elissa Ross CEO Metafold 3D, Canada |
1:40 PM | Presentation 2:
Microstructure Map of Rapidly Solidified 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Anne McDonald*, Anqi Shao*, Kimberley Meszaros**, Ahmed Qureshi*, Michel Rappaz***, Tonya Wolfe†, Hani Henein* *University of Alberta, Canada; **FLINT Corp, Canada; ***Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland; †Red Deer Polytechnic, Canada |
Presentation 7:
Numerical Analysis and Experimental Validation of Distortion in an Overhang Component Fabricated by the Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Process
Pegah Pourabdollah, Farzaneh Farhang Mehr, Steven Cockcroft, Daan Maijer The University of British Columbia, Canada |
2:00 PM | Presentation 3:
Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing of UNS C64200 Aluminum Silicon Bronze
Kenzie Timmons, Paul Bishop Dalhousie University, Canada |
Presentation 8:
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Redesign, Performance, and Manufacturability Analysis of a Single Non-Compressible Fluid-Flow Heat Exchanger
Joseph Orakwe*, Osezua Ibhadode**, Ali Bonakdar***, Ehsan Toyserkani* *MSAM, University of Waterloo, Canada; **Multifunctional Design and Additive Manufacturing (MDAM), University of Alberta, Canada; ***Siemens Energy, Canada |
2:20 PM | Presentation 4:
Data Driven Process Optimization for 3D Printing of Metal via Direct-Ink-Writing
Terek Li, Hao Mao, Zekai Li, Jerry Chen, Hani Naguib University of Toronto, Canada |
Presentation 9:
Development of an Efficient Multi-scale Model to Predict Residual Stresses and Distortion in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process for Inconel-718
Hossein Mohammadtaheri*, Ramin Sedaghati*, Marjan Molavi-Zarandi** *Concordia University, Canada; **National Research Council Canada (NRC), Canada |
2:40 PM | Presentation 5:
Effect of Post-treatment on Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Behavior of Additively Manufactured Real Parts in Power Generation Industries
Yahya Aghayar, Mohsen Mohammadi University of New Brunswick, Canada |
Presentation 10:
Development of Refractory Metal Manufacturing Technology by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Aurore Leclercq, Morgan Letenneur, Vladimir Brailovski École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal, Canada |
3:00 PM | Afternoon Tea Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
Exhibition | Location: McInnes Room Poster Viewing | Location: Second Floor Lobby |
Women in 3D Printing Happy Hour 3:00 PM - 3:40 PM Location: Council Chambers |
3:20 PM | Networking | Exhibition Location: McInnes Room |
4:00 PM | Session 5: Process Monitoring & Control I Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Olaf Diegel |
Session 6: Novel AM Processes & Products I Location: Council Chambers | Chair: Mathieu Brochu |
4:00 PM | Featured Talk Presentation 11: EOS Smart Fusion – How a Process Monitoring Tool with a Feedback Loop Enables Support-Free Applications Michael Wohlfart Senior Additive Manufacturing Consultant EOS North America, United States |
Featured Talk Presentation 16: Pathway to Material and Process Qualification for Metal AM in Aerospace Applications Richard Grylls*, Shawn Kelly, Pablo Enrique *Presenter: Richard Grylls, Chief Engineer Beehive Industries, United States |
4:20 PM | Presentation 12:
The Effect of Domain Shift on Machine Learning Performance in Additive Manufacturing
Gijs van Houtum, Mihaela Vlasea University of Waterloo, Canada |
Featured Talk Presentation 17: Laser-Based Directed Energy Deposition of Nickel Aluminium Bronze for Naval Applications Gentry Wood*, Douglas Hamre *Presenter: Gentry Wood, Senior Research and Development Engineer Apollo Machine & Welding, Canada |
4:40 PM | Presentation 13:
Topological Fidelity of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg Gyroid Structures
Osezua Ibhadode*, Issa Rishmawi**, Mihaela Vlasea**, Mark Kirby**, Sooky Winkler*** *Multifunctional Design and Additive Manufacturing Lab, Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada; **Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing Lab, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada; ***Dana Incorporated, Canada |
Presentation 18:
Wear Properties of Wrought and Directly Deposited AISI D2 Tool Steel
Samer Omar, Kevin Plucknett Dalhousie University, Canada |
5:00 PM | Presentation 14:
Correlative Analytics of Downskin Surface Roughness Outcomes Using Systematic Data Science Workflows
Jigar Patel, Sagar Patel, Mihaela Vlasea University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 19:
Surface Modification of Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V Parts Using Ultrasonic Pulsed Water Jet Peening
Paria Siahpour*, Mark Amegadzie*, Andrew Tieu**, Ian Donaldson***, Kevin Plucknett* *Dalhousie University, Canada; **VLN Advanced Technologies, Canada; ***GKN Sinter Metals , Canada |
5:20 PM | Presentation 15:
The Use of Convolutional Neural Network for the Improvement of Repeatability, Reproducibility, and Reliability of Automated Porosity Detection in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Parts
Catherine Desrosiers*, Fabrice Bernier**, Nicolas Piché***, Farida Cheriet*, François Guibault*, Vladimir Brailovski† *Polytechnique Montréal, Canada; **National Research Council Canada, Canada; ***Object Research Systems, Canada; †École de technologie supérieure, Canada |
Presentation 20:
Development of Hybrid Surface Finishing Techniques for Additively Manufactured Metal Parts with Internal Channels
Manyou Sun, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
5:40 PM | Day 1 Closing | ||
7:00 PM | Reception | Location: Pickford & Black | ||
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM | Conference Dinner | Location: Pickford & Black |
7:30 AM | Breakfast Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
8:00 AM | Session 7: Material & Process Development II Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Javad Gholipour | Session 8: Process Monitoring & Control II + Modeling and Design II Location: Council Chambers | Chair: Steve Cockcroft | |
8:00 AM | Presentation 21:
Non-Weldable Ni-Base Superalloys Additively Manufactured via Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion: A Survey and a Case Study
Hamid Aghajani, Esmaeil Sadeghi, Paria Karimi, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Featured Talk Presentation 26: Rationalization of the Modelling of Stress and Strain Evolution in Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Pegah Pourabdollah, Farhad Rahimi, Farzaneh Farhang Mehr*, Daan Maijer, Steve Cockcroft *Presenter: Farzaneh Farhang Mehr, Director of Additive Manufacturing Laboratory The University of British Columbia |
8:20 AM | Presentation 22:
Laser Directed Energy Deposition (L-DED) Fabricated Inconel 718: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Zahra Khodamoradi, Michael Benoit University of British Columbia, Canada |
Presentation 27:
Leveraging Design for Additive Manufacturing to Remedy Low Internal Porosity in Metal Powder Binder Jetting
Daniel Juhasz*, Mingzhang Yang*, Allan Rogalsky*, Mohsen Keshavarz*, Mihaela Vlasea*, Martin Laher**, Amin Molavi-Kakhki*** *University of Waterloo, Canada; **MIBA Sinter Group, Austria; ***Rio Tinto, Canada |
8:40 AM | Presentation 23:
Process Parameter Window Determination for Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Copper Chromium Zirconium
Melissa Trask, Paul Bishop Dalhousie University, Canada |
Presentation 28:
Fuzzy-Machine Learning Framework for Porosity Prediction Using Optical Tomography Imaging in Laser Powder-bed Fusion
Osazee Ero, Katayoon Taherkhani, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo/Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing (MSAM), Canada |
9:00 AM | Presentation 24:
The Effects of Process Parameters on the Development of Internal Strains in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing of Hastelloy-X
Amirhosein Mozafarighoraba*, Ahmed Aburakhia*, Ali Bonakdar**, Hamidreza Abdolvand* *Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Western University, Canada; **Siemens Energy Canada Limited, Canada |
Presentation 29:
Predicting Temperature Distribution with an HDR CMOS Sensor to Monitor Material Properties in Direct Energy Deposition
Lucas Botelho, Richard van Blitterswijk, Amir Khajepour University of Waterloo, Canada |
9:20 AM | Presentation 25:
Effect of TiC and TiB2 Nano-inoculants Addition on the Microstructure and Tribological Performance of a Fe-Cr-Ni-Al Stainless Steel Fabricated via Arc-directed Energy Deposition
Elham Afshari, Mahya Ghaffari, Alireza Nemani, Paul Bishop, Ali Nasiri Dalhousie University, Canada |
Presentation 30:
Toward Sintering Predicting Densification and Distortion in Binder-Jet Additive Manufacturing
Roman Boychuk, Mihaela Vlasea, Kamyar Ghavam University of Waterloo, Canada |
9:40 AM | Morning Tea Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
Exhibition | Location: McInnes Room Poster Viewing | Location: Second Floor Lobby |
10:00 AM | Session 9: Novel AM Processes & Products II Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Ahmed Qureshi | Session 10: Material & Process Development III Location: Council Chambers | Chair: Priti Wanjara | |
10:00 AM | Featured Talk Presentation 31: Why the ‘Concept to Commercialization’ Approach Is Key for Successful Implementation in Additive Manufacturing Sami Arsan Vice-President Additive and Advanced Manufacturing voestalpine Additive Manufacturing Centers - North America, Canada |
Presentation 36:
Testing the Limits of Low-viscosity Feedstock in Material Extrusion 3D printing of Highly-filled Polymer.
Emmanuel Pelletier École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada |
10:20 AM | Presentation 32:
Solid and Lattice-Structured Additive Manufactured Zirconia Dental Implant Bars: In Vitro Testing and Assessment
Les Kalman Western University, Canada |
Presentation 37:
Investigation Steels Manufactured by a Hybrid Additive/Subtractive Technology
Sheida Sarafan*, Priti Wanjara*, Javad Gholipour*, Josh Soost** *National Research Council Canada, Canada; **Matsuura Machinery USA Inc., United States |
10:40 AM | Presentation 33:
Optimized end-to-end Process Flow for Additive Manufacturing
Rym Gazzah Productique Québec, Canada |
Presentation 38:
Printing Parameter and Post-processing Optimization of Selective Laser Melting Inconel 718 for Sheet Metal Stamping Application
Cho-Pei Jiang, Yuh-Ru Wang, Jia-Chang Wang National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan |
11:00 AM | Presentation 34:
General Corrosion Behavior of Conventionally versus Additively Manufactured Nickel-Aluminum Bronze Alloys: An Overview
Khashayar MorshedBehbahani, Donald Paul Bishop, Ali Nasiri Dalhousie University, Canada |
Presentation 39:
3D Microstructural and Crystallographic Texture Evolution in Additively Manufactured Alloys
Sravya Tekumalla*, Stefan Zaefferer** *University of Victoria, Canada; **Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, Germany |
11:20 AM | Presentation 35:
Implementation of Ultrasound Particle Lensing Technology on a Laser Directed Energy Deposition Machine for Focusing of Ti6Al4V Powder Stream
*Alexander Martinez-Marchese, *Mazyar Ansari, **Asier Marzo, *Marc Wang, *Ehsan Toyserkani *MSAM, Canada; **UPNA, Spain |
Presentation 40:
Microstructure and Microhardness Variation with Build Height in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Fabricated 316L Stainless Steel
Paresh Prakash, Abdelbaset Midawi, Mary Wells University of Waterloo, Canada |
11:40 AM | Lunch Location: Wayne Cross Room (303) |
12:20 PM | Exhibition | Location: McInnes Room Poster Viewing | Location: Second Floor Lobby |
Board of Directors Meeting 12 12:20 PM - 1:20 PM Location: Beverley Myers Room (224) |
1:00 PM | Session 11: Material & Process Development IV Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Hani Naguib |
Session 12: Process Monitoring & Control III Location: Council Chambers | Chair: Mihaela Vlasea |
1:00 PM | Presentation 41:
A Comparative Study of the Microstructure and Surface Properties of Additive Manufactured 316 Stainless Steel and 8620 Steel with Those of Made by Conventional Processes
Jun Jiao*, Kaleb Hood*, Sarah Ahmed*, Annie Dao*, Wen Qian**, Joseph Turner** *Portland State University, United States; **University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States |
Presentation 45:
Manufacturing Smart Part by Embedding Fiber Bragg Gratings Sensors
Ehsan Toyserkani, Bahareh Marzbanrad University of Waterloo , Canada |
1:20 PM | Presentation 42:
Recycling Rare-Earth Magnets into AM-Grade Powder; Rewards and Challenges
Ali Asgarian*, Gaofeng Li*, Fabrice Bernier*, Jean-Michel Lamarre*, Robyn Iannitto*, Shirley Mercier*, Nicolas Cormier*, Louis-Philippe Lefebvre*, Jean-Pierre Fortin** *National Research Council Canada | Conseil national de recherches Canada, Canada; **ATIQC Inc., Canada |
Presentation 46:
ISO/ASTM 52958:2022 Best Practice for In-Situ Flaw Detection and Analysis for the Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion (LB-PBF) Process
Katayoon Taherkhani, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
1:40 PM | Presentation 43:
Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Processing of a Mixed Nickel Aluminum Bronze Powder
Addison Rayner*, Jon Hierlihy*, Melissa Trask*, Randy Cooke**, Paul Bishop* Dalhousie University, Canada; DRDC, Canada |
Presentation 47:
Machine Learning for Defect Analysis in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Yu Zou University of Toronto, Canada |
2:00 PM | Presentation 44:
Path to Enhance the Thermal Stability of 3D Printed Aluminum Alloys
Ehsan Marzbanrad University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 48:
Active Print Layer Temperature Control through Base Plate heat Extraction Process
Shiyu Teng, Shirin Dehgahi, Ahmed Qureshi, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
2:20 PM - 2:30 PM | Closing Remarks and Awards Location: McInnes Room | Chair: Hani Henein |
Theme 1: Material & Process Development Location: Second Floor Lobby |
Theme 2: Modeling & Design Location: Second Floor Lobby |
Poster 1-1:
Residual Stress Induced Cracking in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Fabricated 4405 Steel Gears
Peyman Alimehr, Mohsen K. Keshavarz, Sagar Patel, Mihaela Vlasea Multi scale additive manufacturing lab, Canada |
Poster 2-1:
Numerical Modeling of Hybrid Additive Manufacturing of Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion and Milling of Ti6Al4V
Surinder Pal, Xavier Velay, Waqas Saleem Atlantic Technological University Sligo, Ireland |
Poster 1-2:
Machine Learning-informed Density Optimization in Electron Beam-Powder Bed Fusion of Ti48Al2Nb2Cr with Various Particle Size Distributions
Tomisin Oluwajuyigbe, Zohreh Azimifar, Paria Karimi, Shima Kamyab, Esmaeil Sadeghi, Mohsen Keshavarz, Mihaela Vlasea University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 2-2:
Characterizing Uncertain Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Materials for Application in Topology Optimization
Zahra Kazemi, Craig Steeves University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS), Canada |
Poster 1-3:
Oxidation Response of Cu–Ag Parts Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Nadia Azizi*, Hamed Asgari**, Ehsan Toyserkani* *University of Waterloo, Canada; **University of New Brunswick, Canada |
Poster 2-3:
Evaluation of Small-scale Thin Wall AlSi7Mg Alloy LPBF Coupons under Extreme Low Cycle Fatigue Regime
Muralidharan Kumar, Mathieu Brochu McGill university, Canada |
Poster 1-4:
Functionalization, Oxidation, and Recyclability Study of 3D Printable MXene
Yu-Chen Sun, Ben Natra Ihilov, Terek Li, Hani Naguib University of Toronto, Canada |
Poster 2-4:
Property and Design Assessment of a 3D-Printed Metallic Implant
Anushree Shah University of British Columbia , Canada |
Poster 1-5:
An Investigation into the Recyclability of Plasma-Atomized Powders Used in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Tina Mohammadhassan Université laval, Canada |
Poster 2-5:
Novel Accelerated Thermo-mechanical LPBF Modelling Using an Effective Heat Source
Shahriar Imani Shahabad*, Zhidong Zhang**, Ali Bonakdar***, Ehsan Toyserkani* *University of Waterloo, Canada; **Northwestern Polytechnical University, China; ***Siemens Energy, Canada; University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 1-6:
Process Optimization of NiTi 4D Structures Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion Technique
Shalini Singh, Shirin Dehghai , Ahmed Qureshi University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 1-7:
Experimental Investigations of Pure Ni Porous Parts Fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Shokoufeh Sardarian, Shirin Dehgahi, Marc Secanell Gallart, Ahmed Qureshi Univeristy of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 1-8:
Effect of Boron Additions on the Sintering Response of AISI D2 and AISI 4340 Components Produced by Binder Jetting
William Bouchard, Simon Gélinas, Carl Blais Université Laval, Canada |
Poster 1-9:
Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Development of Tool Steels with Low Susceptibility to Cracking for Laser Additive Manufacturing (LAM)
Justin Plante Université Laval, Canada |
Poster 1-10:
Laser-Based Directed Energy Deposition of Monel 400 on a Steel Substrate
Ryan Ley, Paul Bishop Dalhousie University, Canada |
Poster 1-11:
Dynamic Strain Aging Behaviour of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Made Hastelloy X Parts
Reza Esmaeilizadeh*, Xiaolong Li**, Hamid Jahed*, Ehsan Toyserkani*, Ehsan Hosseini** *University of Waterloo, Canada; **3Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Material Science and Technology, Switzerland |
Poster 1-12:
Development of AlSi10Mg-AlN Metal Matrix Composites for Laser Powder Bed Fusion AM
Jonathan Comhaire*, Donald Bishop*, Ian Donaldson** *Dalhousie University, Canada; **GKN, Canada |
Poster 1-13:
Development and Characterization of an Aluminum Bronze Alloy for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Vignesh Krishnan*, Addison Rayner*, Kenzie Timmons*, Jon Hierlihy*, Randy Cooke**, Donald Bishop* *Net Shape Manufacturing Group - Dalhousie University, Canada; **Defence Research and Development Canada, Canada |
Poster 1-14:
3D Printed Wood-fiber Reinforced Architected Cellular Composites with Enhanced Flexural Properties
Ehsan Estakhrianhaghighi, Armin Mirabolghasemi, Larry Lessard, hamid Akbarzadeh McGill, Canada |
Poster 1-15:
Metallurgical Investigation of Al-Zr(-Y) Alloys for LPBF Using Laser Remelting
Jon Hierlihy*, Ian Donaldson**, Paul Bishop* *Dalhousie University, Canada; **GKN Powder Metallurgy, United States |
Poster 1-16:
Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Models in the Prediction of Melt Pool Dimensions and Density in Laser Powder Bed Fusion.
Donatien Campion, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Canada |
Poster 1-17:
How the Rheology of Powder Affects its Spreadability?
Stéphane Caubergh*, Aurélien Neveu*, Geoffroy Lumay**, Filip Francqui* *Granutools, Belgium; **University of Liege, Belgium |
Poster 1-18:
Moderate Temperature Slow Strain Rate Compression Behaviour of a Heat-treated LPBF Fabricated Fe-Cr-Ni-Al Maraging Stainless Steel (CX)
Paresh Prakash*, Abdelbaset Midawi*, Waqas Muhammad*, Mary Wells*, Amir Hadadzadeh** University of Waterloo, Canada; University of Memphis, United States |
Poster 1-19:
Comparative Study on 316L Stainless Steel Powders Produced by Conventional Plasma Arc Gas Atomization versus Novel Ultrasonic Atomization Technique
Alireza Vahedi Nemani*, Lorne Chrystal*, Dino Russ*o, Mariusz Lesniak** *Indurate Alloys Ltd / Dalhousie University, Canada; **3D LAB , Poland |
(CANCELLED) Poster 1-20:
Laser-powder Bed Fusion of Ti-based Alloys for Biomedical Applications
Rodolfo Batalha*, André Carvalho***, Piter Gargarella**, Paulo Morais*, Ana Cabral*, Guiomar Evans*** *ISQ - Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Portugal; **Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil; ***Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Poster 1-21:
Additive Manufacturing of Al and Ti alloys: Microstructure Characterization and Mechanical Properties Across Length Scales
Yu Zou University of Toronto, Canada |
Poster 1-22:
Effect of Salt Flux and T6 Treatment on Al-Cu Alloy with Ce Addition
Marcelino Dias, Jonas Valloton, Ahmed Qureshi, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Theme 3: Process Monitoring & Control Location: Second Floor Lobby |
Theme 4: Novel AM Processes & Products Location: Second Floor Lob |
Poster 3-1:
A Novel Machine Learning Approach for In-situ Surface Roughness Detection during Laser Powder-Bed Fusion
Sahar Toorandaz, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 4-1:
Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing for Compliant Mechanisms
Edward Yang, Issa Rishmawi, Mihaela Vlasea, Michael Mayer University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 3-2:
Machine Learning-Based Powder Characterization: Exploring Data Augmentation Techniques to Address the Material Data Limitation Challenges
Farima Liravi*, Mahdi Habibnejad**, Ehsan Toyserkani* *University of Waterloo, Canada; **AP&C, a GE Additive Company, Canada |
Poster 4-2:
Microstructural Control during Laser Powder-bed Fusion of Ti-alloy via Laser Post-exposure Treatment
Mahyar Hasanabadi, Ali Keshavarzkermai, Hamed Asgari, Adrian Gerlich, Ehsan Toyserkani Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing (MSAM) Lab, University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 3-3:
Methods for Modeling Sensitivity Analysis Simulations for Eddy Current Testing
Heba Farag University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 4-3:
Development and Applications of Benign Electrolytes for Surface Finishing of Additively Manufactured Metal Parts
Manyou Sun, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 3-4:
Mechanical Performance of 3D Printed Parts Using Material Extrusion of Highly-filled Polymer
Benoit Beaulieu École de technologie supérieure, Canada |
Poster 4-4:
Robotic 3D printing of Lunar Regolith/Polymer Composite by Simultaneous Localization and Additive Manufacturing
Mohammad Azami, Pierre-Lucas Aubin-Fournier, Krzysztof Skonieczny Concordia University, Canada |
Poster 4-5:
Tailoring Microstructure and Resulting Mechanical Properties of Maraging Steel Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Mohsen Keshavarz*, Christopher Paul**, Michael Benoit**, Mihaela Vlasea* *University of Waterloo, Canada; **University of British Columbia, Canada |
Poster 4-6:
3D Printing of Fiber based Soft Meta-components
Yu Liu Jiangnan University, China |
Poster 4-7:
Functionally Graded Additive Manufacturing of Inconel 625-CuCrZr: from Process Parameter Optimization to Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties
Ali Zardoshtian, Reza Esmaeilizadeh, Saeed Maleksaeedi, Hamid Jahed, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 4-8:
Thermal and Residual Stress Modeling of Functionally Graded Coatings Deposited by PTA-AM
Geoffrey Bonias*, Hani Henein*, Tonya Wolfe** *University of Alberta, Canada; **Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing, Canada |

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