HI-AM 2022
JUNE 21 - 22
Keynote Speakers

James Sears
Technology Fellow
AMAERO, United States
Presentation title: Metal Additive Manufacturing: Historical Developments and the Path Towards Larger Parts
A brief history of Metal Additive Manufacturing will be discussed starting with the onset of the computer age. This discussion will include the key developments that happened over the years that brought to the state-of -the -art today. A further elaboration will analyze the current technology gapes. The discussions will be limited to both types of laser-based solutions (Direct Deposition and Powder-Bed) and Binder-Jet. A projection on the needs for maturation of both laser-based and binder-jet technologies will be presented. A path towards larger part fabrications will be postulated.
Currently gives technical oversight to AMAERO on AM and metal powder projects. Previously held positions with Carpenter, GE-GRC, SDSMT (first facility name Additive Manufacturing Laboratory in US) and concurrently with Western Illinois University (Quad City Manufacturing Laboratory), Lockheed Martin-KAPL, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, ALCAN (University of Birmingham, UK - IRC), Retech and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, (RSR Team). PhD 1988 University of Illinois – PhD Thesis “Rapid Solidification of High Temperature and Reactive Metals”. Master Thesis 1984 – “Dynamic Compaction of Rapidly Solidified Aluminum Alloys”. Vietnam Era Veteran: US Navy, MM1 (SS), qualified submarines, USS Cavalla SSN 684.

Animesh Bose
VP, Special Projects
Desktop Metal, Inc., United States
Presentation title: Sinter-Based Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Additive manufacturing (AM) has expanded the tool free manufacturing of metal parts in a disruptive manner. Metal AM is a relatively new technology that is becoming accepted as an established manufacturing process. Metal AM has been dominated by melt-based AM technologies. Sinter-based metal AM processes that have many advantages over melt-based AM technologies, have created a resurgence of interest in the area of metal AM. Sinter-based metal AM processes can cover a wide range of productivity including rapid prototyping and low volume serial prototyping techniques (Bound Metal Deposition) to high volume mass production process (Binder Jet). This presentation will discuss a couple of the established sinter-based metal AM processes along with a few of the relatively new and emerging sinter-based AM technologies.
Dr. Animesh Bose has been involved in the area of powder metallurgy for more than 40 years. He has published over 125 papers, 10 patents, and 4 books. He is a fellow of ASM International and APMI International. He was the Divisional Editor of Metal Injection Molding for the ASM Handbook, Volume 7, 2015. He served as co-chair for the MPIF MIM Conference, Powdermet, and is the founding co-organizer of Tungsten, Refractory, and Hardmaterials Conference Series. He is the Tech Board representative for the Association of Metal Additive Manufacturing (AMAM) and is the Chair for the AMAM Standards Committee.

Sebastian Piegert
Technology Field Lead Additive Manufacturing
Siemens Energy GmbH & Co KG, Germany
Presentation title: Ensuring High Quality Standards in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Production
Laser powder bed fusion is a technology that has been in development from the embryonic stage to the cusp of a fully industrialized technology completely in the information age. The immense amount of publications on the technology has made visible the high complexity of influencing factors and the challenges of process control in L-PBF. The L-PBF process has many influencing variables which cause potential users to question whether quality assurance including repeatability and reproducibility can be managed and maintained in a large-scale production environment. This presentation contends that despite the number of influencing factors on the process, the resulting product quality is not only controllable with the correct measures but can be more reproducible and repeatable than other conventional manufacturing process routes. The significant influencing factors for L-PBF are identified and how the deviations highlighted in literature can be one by one either ruled out, controlled or minimized to reducing process deviations to a manageable level. In addition, real production data is displayed, analyzed, and compared from a well-controlled full-scale production to demonstrate the capability of the technology. Utilizing own examples on industrially scaled production components will provide a proof of the identified measures to stabilize the process.
Sebastian Piegert is leading the Additive Manufacturing Technology Development function within the Additive Manufacturing organization of Siemens Energy Generation division since 2014. He is also acting as the technology field lead for additive manufacturing for Siemens Energy. He started his career at Siemens as development engineer for joining and repair processes for hot gas paths components of gas turbines in 2008. Mr Piegert studied mechanical engineering at the technical university of Braunschweig (Germany). In order to deepen his expertise in high temperature materials and their applications, he subsequently conducted a doctorate at the Institute of Materials of the Technical University.