Keynote Speakers

Todd Palmer
• Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and Materials Science and Engineering
• The Pennsylvania State University, United States

Frédéric Larouche
• CTO and Product Manager
• AP&C, a GE Additive Company
Montréal, Canada

Stuart Jackson
• Business Development and Key Account Manager
• Renishaw
Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Carolyn Seepersad
• Professor of Mechanical Engineering
• The University of Texas at Austin, United States

David Bourell
Director, Laboratory for Freeform Fabrication
The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, United States

Christoph Leyens
Managing Director
Fraunhofer Institute of Materials and Beam Technology, Germany

Milan Brandt
Director Centre for Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing Precinct
RMIT University, Australia

Ali Bonakdar
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Lead
Siemens Canada

Hannes Gostner
Director Research and Development
EOS, Germany
Online Conference Program
Note: All times are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04).
You can select your own time zone from the drop down menu and the event times will be updated to align with your particular time zone selection.
9:20 AM | Conference Opening | ||
9:40 AM | Session 1: Metal Additive Manufacturing |
9:40 AM | Keynote 1:
AP&C Plasma Atomized Powders Optimized for Additive Manufacturing, Innovation and Challenges
Javier Arreguin Senior Material Project Manager AP&C - A GE Additive Company, Montreal, Canada | ||
10:20 AM | Keynote 2:
Impact of Metal Powders Feedstock on the Properties and Performance of Additively Manufactured Materials
Todd Palmer Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics and Materials Science and Engineering The Pennsylvania State University, PA, United States | ||
11:00 AM | Keynote 3:
Process-Aware Design for Additive Manufacturing
Carolyn Seepersad J. Mike Walker Professor of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at Austin, TX, United States | ||
11:40 AM | Keynote 4:
A Short History of Metal AM and Future Needs to Meet Mass Market
Stuart Jackson Business Development and Key Account Manager Renishaw, Staffordshire, United Kingdom |
12:20 PM | Poster Session 1: Material Development | Advanced Process Modeling Exhibition Viewing |
2:00 PM | Session 2: Material Development I |
Session 3: Advanced Process Modeling I |
2:00 PM | Presentation 1 - Featured Talk:
Powder Processing by RF Plasma: Towards a Circular Economy
Nicolas Gobeil Tekna, Canada |
Presentation 6 - Featured Talk:
How Big Data can Improve 3D Printing
François Gingras Investissement Québec – CRIQ, Canada |
2:20 PM | Presentation 2 - Featured Talk:
Predicting Powder Spreadability with the Granudrum
Filip Francqui GranuTools, Belgium |
Presentation 7:
Prediction of Defects Based on Beam Path and Melt Pool Morphology Using Machine Learning for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Deniz Sera Ertay, Shima Kamyab, Mihaela Vlasea, Zohreh Azimifar, Thanh Ma, Allan Rogalsky, Paul Fieguth University of Waterloo, Canada |
2:40 PM | Presentation 3:
Powder Reuse Cycles in Electron Beam Melting and their Effect on Ti-6Al-4V Powder Properties
Gitanjali Shanbhag, Mihaela Luminita Vlasea University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 8:
Development of An Autonomous In-situ Temperature Measurement System and a Heat Transfer Model of the Build Chamber in Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
Farhad Rahimi*, Farzaneh Farhang-Mehr*, Steve Cockcroft*, Ralf Edinger**, Daan Maijer* * The University of British Columbia, Canada |** CANMORA Tech Inc., Canada |
3:00 PM | Presentation 4:
Electrostatic Atomisation of Metals
Bilal Bharadia, Abdoul Aziz Bogno, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Presentation 9:
Control of Density and Microstructure in Laser Powder bed-fused Components Using a Combination of Melt Pool Modeling and Design of Experiment Approaches
Morgan Letenneur, Alena Kreitcberg, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada |
3:20 PM | Presentation 5:
Characterization of TZM Alloy Powders and their Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Behavior
Tejas Ramakrishnan, Mathieu Brochu McGill University, Canada |
Presentation 10:
Role of impinging powder particles on melt pool hydrodynamics, thermal behaviour and microstructure in laser-assisted DED process: A particle-scale DPM – CFD – CA approach
- CANCELED Akash Aggarwal, Arvind Kumar Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India |
3:40 PM | Exhibition Viewing | ||
4:00 PM | Session 4: Process Monitoring and Control I |
Session 5: Novel AM Processes and Products I |
4:00 PM | Presentation 11 - Featured Talk:
Tracking and Controlling the Morphology Evolution of 3D Powder-bed Fusion in situ Using Inline Coherent Imaging
James Fraser Queen's University, Canada |
Presentation 16 - Featured Talk:
3D Printed Smart Molds for Sand Casting
Eric MacDonald*, Jerry Thiel** * Youngstown State University, United States | ** University of Northern Iowa, United States |
4:20 PM | Presentation 12:
Microstructure Evolution and Microscale Mechanical Properties of Dual-Phase Titanium Alloy Made by Additive Manufacturing
Zhiying Liu, Yu Zou University of Toronto, Canada |
Presentation 17:
Thermo-mechanical Modelling of Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing Process for Repair and Remanufacturing Purposes
Fatih Sikan*, Priti Wanjara**, Javad Gholipour**, Mathieu brochu* * McGill University, Canada | ** National Research Council, Canada |
4:40 PM | Presentation 13:
Airborne Metal Particle Stream Focusing using an Ultrasound Phased Array and its Application in Powder-fed Directed Energy Deposition
Alexander Martinez-Marchese, Mazyar Ansari, Marc Wang, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 18:
Laser DED Cladding of Dip-Coated TiC-Ni3Al Cermets on D2 Tool Steel
Zhila Russell, Kevin Plucknett, Gianfranco Mazzanti Dalhousie University, Canada |
5:00 PM | Presentation 14:
Real-Time Simultaneous Microstructure and Geometry Monitoring of Laser Materials Processing
Lucas Botelho, Amir Khajepour University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 19:
Dynamic Mechanical Loading Characterization of an AM-Based Flexible Sensor
Jeffrey Sixt, Elham Davoodi, Armaghan Salehian, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
5:20 PM | Presentation 15:
A Holistic Approach for Quality Control in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Mohammed Alghamdy, Basel Alsayyed, Rafiq Ahmad University of Alberta, Canada |
Presentation 20:
An Overview of Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing and an Outlook of its Application Potentials
- CANCELED Sheng-Hui Wang*, Stefano Chiovelli** * National Research Council, Canada | ** Syncrude, Canada |
8:40 AM | Session 6: Process Monitoring and Control II |
Session 7: Novel AM Processes and Products II |
8:40 AM | Presentation 21:
Exploring Force Feedback During Powder Spreading for Binder Jetting Additive Manufacturing
Alexander Groen, Mihaela Vlasea, Kaan Erkorkmaz University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 26 - Featured Talk:
Performance of Affordable Metal Additive Manufacturing
Jonathon Hollahan Xact Metal, United States |
9:00 AM | Presentation 22:
A Novel Spatter Detection Algorithm for Real-time Quality Control of Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Farzaneh Kaji*,**, Mazyar Ansari*, Mark Zimny**, Ehsan Toyserkani* * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** Promation, Canada |
Presentation 27:
3D Printed Sustainable Architected Cellular Composites
Hamid Akbarzadeh, Ehsan Estakhrianhaghighi, Armin Mirabolghasemi, Yingnan Zhang, Larry Lessard McGill University, Canada |
9:20 AM | Presentation 23:
Application of Machine Learning to Predict the Density of Binder-jet 3D Printed Parts
Somayeh Hosseini Rad, David Schlachter, Sergio Yanez Sanchez , Alice Goffin, Martin Lennox, Basil Favis, Daniel Therriault, Jason Tavares Polytechnique Montréal, Canada |
Presentation 28:
Machine Learning Aided Design of Conformal Porous Structure
Zhenyang Gao, Yaoyao Fiona Zhao McGill University, Canada |
9:40 AM | Presentation 24:
Moving Towards the Development of an Artificial-based Defect-detection Model through the Photodiodes Signals Collected from the Melt Pool of Laser Powder-bed Fusion
Katayoon Taherkhani*, Esmat Sheydaeian Arani**, Ehsan Toyserkani*, Martin Otto***, Christopher Eischer*** * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM), Germany | *** EOS, United States |
Presentation 29:
Additive Manufacturing of FGM Parts Using PTA
Geoffrey Bonias, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
10:00 AM | Presentation 25:
A Novel Testing Bench for the Assessment of Metal Powder Spreading Behavior
Salah Eddine Brika, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada |
Presentation 30:
Functionally Graded Lattice Optimization based on Homogenization and its Application to Dynamic Problems
Ugur Simsek*, Cemal Efe Gayir*, Nezih Sunman**, Aykan Akbulut**, Cansu Basaran**, Polat Sendur** * General Electric | ** Özyeğin University, Turkey |
10:20 AM | Exhibition Viewing | |
10:40 AM | Session 8: Advanced Process Modeling II |
Session 9: Material Development II |
10:40 AM | Presentation 31:
The Effect of Part Geometries on Melt Pool Dimensions in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process (LPBF)
Shahriar Imani Shahabad*, Usman Ali*, Zhidong Zhang*, Ali Keshavarzkermani*, Reza Esmaeilizadeh*, Ali Bonakdar**, Ehsan Toyserkani** * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** Siemens, Canada |
Presentation 36:
Binder Jet Printing of Low-Cost Tool Steel Powders
Ryan Ley*, Ian Donaldson**, Paul Bishop* * Dalhousie University, Canada | ** GKN, Canada |
11:00 AM | Presentation 32:
Design for Additive Manufacturing: A Multiphysics Topology Optimization Model for Conceptual Structural Designs under Practical Loads and Boundary Conditions
Osezua Ibhadode*, Pouyan Rahnama*, Zhidong Zhang*, Ali Bonakdar**, Ehsan Toyserkani* * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** Siemens, Canada |
Presentation 37:
Enhanced Impact Energy Absorption of 3D Printed Tessellated Sheets made from Flexible Materials
Anastasia Wickeler, Hani Naguib University of Toronto, Canada |
11:20 AM | Presentation 33:
Machine Learning Assisted Manufacturability Prediction for Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion
Ying Zhang, Yaoyao Fiona Zhao McGill University, Canada |
Presentation 38:
Thermal Insulation and Laser-based Preheating Method for Processing a Ledeburitic Tool Steel in LPBF
Gregor Graf*, Manuela Leoni**, Tobias Müller, Jörg Fischer-Bühner, Maximilian Frey**, Daniel Beckers*, Sven Donisi*, Frederik Zanger**, Volker Schulze** * Rosswag GmBH, Germany | ** Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
11:40 AM | Presentation 34:
A Framework to Study the Role of Material and Morphology Defects on the Mechanical Performance of Additively Built Lattice Materials
Asma El Elmi* , David Melancon** , Meisam Asgari, Damiano Pasini* * McGill University, Canada | ** Harvard University |
Presentation 39:
Attempts at Understanding LPBF of Intermetallic Alloys
Kuanhe Li, Chao Xu, Tejas Ramakrishnan, Xianglong Wang, Mathieu Brochu McGill University, Canada |
12:00 PM | Presentation 35:
Investigating the Effect of the Temperature and Stress Fields on the Geometric Tolerances of the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Printed Parts
Baltej Singh Rupal, Marc Secanell, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi University of Alberta, Canada |
Presentation 40:
Selective Laser Melting of Titanium Matrix Composites Reinforced with Hybrid (TiB+TiC) Reinforcements
- CANCELED Eskandar Fereiduni, Ali Ghasemi, Mohamed Elbestawi McMaster University, Canada |
12:20 PM | Poster Session 2: Process Monitoring and Control | Novel AM Processes and Products Exhibition Viewing |
2:00 PM | Session 10: Material Development III |
Session 11 - Part A: Transatlantic Cluster for Lightweighting (TraCLight) |
2:00 PM | Presentation 41 - Featured Talk:
Deep Learning Framework for Image-based Characterization in Additive Manufacturing
Mike Marsh, Nicolas Piché Object Research Systems (ORS) |
2:10 PMPresentation 46: What is TraCLight? Nadja Rest*, Manuela Neuenfeldt**,*** * Leichtbau BW GmbH, Germany | ** wbk Institute of Production Science, Germany | *** KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
2:20 PM | Presentation 42:
Binder Jet 3D Printing of Flexible and Multifunctional Polymer Material Using MXene Based Inks
Terek Li University of Toronto, Canada |
Presentation 47:
Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Possibilities Based on Forging in Combination with LPBF
Sven Donisi, Gregor Graf Rosswag GmbH, Germany |
2:40 PM | Presentation 43:
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Copper Alloy and Maraging Steel Made by Selective Laser Melting
Hao Kun Sun, Gisele Azimi, Yu Zou University of Toronto, Canada |
Presentation 48:
Additive Manufacturing of Metal Components using the ARBURG freeformer System
Daniel Kupzik, Quirin Spiller, Jürgen Fleischer wbk Institute of Production Science, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
3:00 PM | Presentation 44:
Impact of the Dynamics Strain Aging and Recrystallization Processes on the High Temperature Behaviour of LPBF IN625 Components
Alena Kreitcberg, Karine Inaekyan, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada |
Presentation 49:
Development of H13 Repair and Hybrid Manufacturing of Extrusion Dies by DED
Alexandre Bois-Brochu*, Christian Zanetti**, Philippe Olcelli** * Quebec Metallurgy Center, Canada | ** DIENAMEX, Canada |
3:20 PM | Session 11 - Part B: Process Monitoring and Control III |
3:20 PM | Presentation 45:
LPF-AM Processing of Beta, Near-Beta and Near-Alpha Titanium Alloys
Nick Gosse*, Gregory Sweet*, Ian Donaldson**, Donald Paul Bishop* * Dalhousie University, Canada | ** GKN, Canada |
Presentation 50:
Detection of a Subsurface Defect in an Additively Manufactured SS 316L Sample Using Laser Ultrasonics
Alexander Martinez-Marchese, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
3:40 PM | Exhibition Viewing | |
4:00 PM | Session 12: Novel AM Processes and Products III |
Session 13: Advanced Process Modeling III |
4:00 PM | Presentation 51 - Featured Talk:
New Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion System with Open Source Software, Tailored for Research and Development
Ulf Ackelid, Ulric Ljungblad Freemelt AB, Sweden |
Presentation 56 - Featured Talk:
Multi-Scale Modeling of Distortion in Powder Bed Fusion
Michael Gouge, Pan Michaleris, Erik Denlinger, Jeff Irwin, Charles Li Autodesk, Canada |
4:20 PM | Presentation 52:
Fused Filament Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites (MMC)
Nancy Bhardwaj*, Hani Henein*, Tonya Wolfe** * University of Alberta, Canada | ** InnoTech Alberta, Canada |
Presentation 57:
Abrasive Flow Machining of Laser Powder Bed Printed Components: Modeling versus Experiment
Mykhailo Samoilenko, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada |
4:40 PM | Presentation 53:
Embedding Optical Sensors in Additively Manufactured Parts for Enhanced Functionality
Kelvin Son, Farid Ahmed, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Presentation 58:
Efficient Thermo-mechanical Finite Element Model for Simulating Selective Laser Melting Process in Part Level
Zhibo Luo, Yaoyao Zhao McGill University, Canada |
5:00 PM | Presentation 54:
Design, Optimization, and Validation of a Magnetic Levitation System for Additive Manufacturing
Parichit Kumar, Ehsan Toyserkani, Behrad Khamesee University of Waterloo, Canada |
5:20 PM | Presentation 55:
Metallic Cellular Hip Implant with Functionally Graded Density
Elham Davoodi*,**, Reza Esmaeilizadeh*, Hossein Montazerian**, Ehsan Toyserkani* * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** University of California Los Angeles, United States |
5:40 PM | Closing Remarks |
Poster Session 1: | - |
Theme 1: Material Development |
Poster 1:
Additive Manufacturing of High Concentration Yttria-stabilized Zirconia Using High-Speed Drop-on-Demand Material Jetting
Haniyeh (Ramona) Fayazfar, Usman Ali, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 2:
Primary Si Modification via Rapid Solidification and Alloying
Daniela Diaz, Abdoul-Aziz Bogno, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 3:
The Microstructure, Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Rapidly Solidified Al-10wt%Si-0.4wt%Sc Alloy
Akankshya Sahoo, Abdoul-Aziz Bogno, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 4:
Heterogeneous Micromechanical Properties of Dual-phase Titanium Alloy Made by Additive Manufacturing - CANCELED
Zhiying Liu, Yu Zou University of Toronto, Canada |
Poster 5:
An Investigation on the Tensile and Fatigue Behaviour of Laser Powder-bed Fusion Hastelloy X
Reza Esmaeilizadeh*, Ali Keshavarzkermani*, Hamid Jahed*, Ali Bonakdar**, Ehsan Toysekani* * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** Siemens, Canada |
Poster 6:
Surface Finishing of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Alloys via Chemical and Electrochemical Polishing
Haniyeh Fayazfar, Issa Rishmawi, Mihaela Vlasea University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 7:
Development of Novel Water-atomized Tool Steel Powders for Laser Powder Bed (LPB) and Direct Energy Deposition (DED)
Denis Mutel, Carl Blais Universite Laval, Canada |
Poster 8:
Geometry and Surface Characterization of Additively Manufactured H13 Hot-Work Tool Steel Using Directed Energy Deposition
Owen Craig*, Kevin Plucknett*, Alexandre Bois-Brochu** *Dalhousie University, Canada | ** Centre de métallurgie du Québec, Canada |
Poster 9:
Production, Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Cardanol Acetate in Alkyd Paints.
Iheoma Nwuzor, Christopher Idumah, Paul Okolie, Obumneme Ezeani Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria |
Poster 10:
Development of a New Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Using Response Surface Methodology
Raphael Ebhojiaye*, Akii Ibhadode** * University of Benin, Nigeria | ** Federal University of Petroleum Resources, Nigeria |
Poster 11:
Effect of Heat Treatment on High Temperature Mechanical Properties of Rene 41 Alloy Fabricated by LPBF
Sila Atabay*, Kevin Plucknett**, Mathieu Brochu* * McGill University, Canada | ** Dalhousie University, Canada |
Poster 12:
Development of Al-Zr-Y Alloys for Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Jon Hierlihy*, Ian Donaldson**, Mathiew Brochu***, Paul Bishop* * Dalhousie University | ** GKN | *** McGill University |
Poster 13:
Comparing Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Laser Powder Bed-fused Components Made from Maraging Stainless Steel to its Wrought Analogue
William Turnier Trottier, Alena Kreitcberg, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada |
Poster 14:
On the Tensile Property Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Ti-5553 Alloy
Nivas Ramachandiran, Hamed Asgari, Paola Russo, Chinedu Francis Dibia, Adrian Gerlich, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 15:
Optimization of Chemical Composition of Al Alloys via Rapid Solidification in Additive Manufacturing
An Fu*, Mathieu Brochu*, Paul Bishop**, Pierre Hudon* * McGill University, Canada | ** Dalhousie University, Canada |
Theme 2: Advanced Process Modeling | Poster 16:
A Novel Post-Topology Optimization Process for Overhang Elimination in Additive Manufacturing
Osezua Ibhadode, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 17:
Comparison of Volumetric Heat Sources in the Thermomechanical Modeling of the Laser Powder-bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Zhidong Zhang*, Ali Bonakdar**, Ehsan Toyserkani* * University of Waterloo, Canada | ** Siemens, Canada |
Poster 18:
Machine Learning Applications in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processes
Gijs van Houtum, Mihaela Vlasea University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 19:
Numerical Model of Al-33wt%Cu Eutectic Growth During Impulse Atomization
Jonas Valloton, Abdoul-Aziz Bogno, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 20:
Analytical Modeling of Transient Temperature in Laser Directed Energy Deposition of Ti5553
Mazyar Ansari, Mobin Khamooshi, Alexander Martinez Marchese, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo |
Poster 21:
Statistical Analysis for Improving Decisions of Industrial Internet of Things' Devices in Metal Additive Manufacturing
Basel Alsayyed, Mohammed Alghamdy University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 22:
Characterizing the Effect of Surface Roughness on Tensile Behavior of SS316L Micro-struts Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Abhi Ghosh, Amit Kumar, Mathieu Brochu McGill University, Canada |
Poster 23:
Influence of Thickness of Coating on Adherence of 316L and Cu Coatings Deposited by Cold Gas Spraying
Rodolpho Vaz, Alessio Silvello, Javier Sánchez, Irene Garcia Cano, Sergi Dosta Federal University of Paraná, Brazil |
Poster 24:
Spheroidization of Al-33Cu Droplets Microstructure
Quentin Champdoizeau, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 25:
Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Ti-6Al-4V
Pegah pourabdollah, Steven Cockcroft, Daan Maijer, Farzaneh Farhangmehr The University of British Columbia, Canada |
Poster 26:
Finite Element Modelling of Residual Stresses and Metallurgical Phases for 4140 Steel
Shaun Cooke*, Keivan Ahmadi*, Rodney Herring*, Greg Sweet**, Paul Bishop** * University of Victoria, Canada | ** Dalhousie University, Canada |
Poster 27:
Thermal Fluid Modelling of Melt Pool Dynamics in the Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing of Ti6Al4V
Eiko Nishimura, Steve Cockcroft, Daan Maijer, Farzaneh Farhang-Mehr The University of British Columbia, Canada |
Poster 28:
Meso-scale Modelling of Strain Evolution in Powder-Bed Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
Asmita Chakraborty, Farzaneh Farhang Mehr, Daan Maijer, Steve Cockcroft The University of British Columbia, Canada |
Poster Session 2: | - |
Theme 3: Process Monitoring and Control | Poster 29:
Development of Analytical Model for Eddy Current Applicable to Additive Manufacturing
Heba Farag, Ehsan Toyserkani, Behrad Khamesee University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 30:
In-line Optical Measurement System for 3D Process Monitoring of a Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) Printer
Kristof Briele, Dominik wolfschlaeger, Max Ellerich RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
Poster 31:
Improving the Geometric Accuracy of Additive Manufactured Parts via 3D Metrology Feedback and CAD Morphing
Moustapha Jadayel, Farbod Khameneifar Polytechnique Montréal, Canada |
Theme 4: Novel AM Processes and Products | Poster 32:
Distributed Residual Strain Measurement in Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel Cantilever using Fiber Optic Sensors
Farid Ahmed, Ehsan Marzbanrad, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 33:
Microstructure and Hardness of 34CrNiMo6 Steel Fabricated by Solid-State Additive Manufacturing
Mohammad Hossein Sakhaei, Aziz Shafiei-Zarghani, Ali Zamani Shiraz University, Iran |
Poster 34:
In-situ Volume Reconstruction for Additive Manufacturing Repairs: A Review
Remy Samson, Thomas Lehmann, Hani Henien, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 35:
A Surface Roughness Constraint for Topology Optimization
Ken Nsiempba, Osezua Obehi Ibhadode, Ehsan Toyserkani University of Waterloo, Canada |
Poster 36:
Manufacturing of 3D Lattice Structures by Hybrid Investment Casting
Abdoul-Aziz Bogno, Mubashir Chand Tamboli, Ahmed Jawad Qureshi, Hani Henein University of Alberta, Canada |
Poster 37:
Mechanical performance of Additively Manufactured Aluminium Auxetic Structures
Manpreet Singh, Arun Arjunan University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom |
Poster 38:
Geometric Consideration of Support Structures Design for Overhang Features of Dental Implants Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting
Arman Khobzi*, Swee Leong Sing**, Wai Yee Yeong**, Steven Cockcroft*, Daan Maijer*, Farzaneh Farhang-Mehr* * The University of British Columbia, Canada | ** Nanyang Technological University, Singapore |
Poster 39:
Novel Limb Sparing Technique Using 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Endoprostheses for Tumor of the Proximal Humerus
Martin Tran Hoai Tri Thien*, Anatolie Timercan**, Bertrand Lussier***, Bernard Seguin^, Yvan Petit**, Vladimir Brailovski** * École Centrale Paris, France | ** École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada | Université de Montréal, Canada *** | ^ Colorado State University, United States |
Poster 40:
Topology Optimization of Imperfect Lattice Materials Built with Process-induced Defects via Powder Bed Fusion
Ahmed Moussa, David Melancon, Asma El Elmi, Damiano Pasini McGill University, Canada |
Poster 41:
Effects of Process Parameters on Material Characteristics During Direct Energy Deposition of AISI D2 Tool Steel
Samer Omar, Kevin Plucknett Dalhousie University, Canada |
Poster 42:
Cellular Structures for Application in Intervertebral Devices: Functional Requirements and Preliminary Results
Anatolie Timercan, Vadim Sheremetyev, Vladimir Brailovski École de technologie supérieure Montreal, Canada |
Poster 43:
Effect of Different Production Technologies on the Miscibility of Fe-Cu and Cr-Mo
Rabia Aftab, Maksim Antonov Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Poster 44:
Effect of Process Parameters on Plasma Transferred Arc Additive Manufactured (PTA-AM) 17-4PH using the Taguchi Method
Sandy Ibrahim*, Jose G. Mercado Rojas*, Tonya Wolfe**, Hani Henein*, Ahmed Qureshi* * University of Alberta, Canada | ** InnoTech Alberta, Canada |